Telecommunications is a type of communication that consists of any emission, transmission or reception of signs, signals, voice information, written text, images, sounds or other messages via a radio system, wire, optical and other electromagnetic systems.
National Telecommunications Operator is a telecommunications operator that is assigned by the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus the functions of mandatory provision of universal telecommunications services throughout the territory of the Republic of Belarus and that has the exclusive right to transmit international traffic and connect to the telecommunications networks of foreign states.
The Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus in the field of telecommunications carries out:
- development and implementation of telecommunications development programs;
- coordination of activities in the field of creation and development of telecommunications networks;
- long-term planning of the use of the radio frequency spectrum by civilian radio electronic equipment;
- establishment of a unified procedure for interaction of telecommunications networks through the public telecommunications network, as well as monitoring and centralized management of the public telecommunications network;
- determination of requirements for the construction, numbering, organizational and technical support for the functioning of telecommunications networks, their management, ensuring the protection of telecommunications networks from unauthorized access to them and messages transmitted over them, the use of the radio frequency spectrum, the procedure for passing traffic, the provision of telecommunications services;
- regulation of the activities of telecommunications operators;
- international cooperation in the field of telecommunications, including interaction with international organizations and telecommunications administrations of other states, ensuring the fulfillment of obligations under international treaties of the Republic of Belarus;
- development and adoption of regulatory legal acts.