Ministry of Communications and Informatization invites everyone to avail opportunitues of the state organizations rating portal
At the request of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization, a rating portal was developed for organizations providing services that ensure the livelihoods of the population and (or) carrying out administrative procedures.
At present , the rating portal is constantly functioning and is available on the Internet at качество-услуг.бел , for the convenience of using this portal, citizens have created and use its mobile version.
To date, more than 12 thousand organizations and more than 17 thousand users are registered on the portal.
The portal is a tool that provides citizens with the opportunity to assess and, leaving a comment, express their opinion on the effectiveness of government bodies and organizations. Evaluation is fulfilled using 5-point scale according to the following criteria: simplicity and comprehensibility of the obtaining services process; availability of information on the procedure for obtaining services; compliance with the established deadline for the provision of services; the courtesy and friendliness of the staff. This feedback mechanism of the state and society is aimed to increase the efficiency of work with citizens, the quality of life support of the population and the openness of state bodies and organizations.
The Ministry of Communications and Informatization offers everyone to to avail opportunitues of the state organizations rating portal.