Today, through the unified portal of e-services 157 electronic services are available to users, by which 113 types of e-services and 44 types of administrative procedures can be obtained. Stable interaction with 30 state information resources and systems is ensured. The “One Window” software package, to which more than 790 organizations are connected, performs 202 types of administrative procedures. The system of interdepartmental electronic document flow of state bodies covers about 13.3 thousand Belarusian organizations and departments. There are more than 802 thousand owners of electronic digital signature (EDS) keys in Belarus. More than 500 units are issued daily by the state system for management of public keys for electronic digital signatures verification in the Republic of Belarus. Digital signature keys are used in 26 information systems for legally valid information interaction, as well as to simplify business set-up (registration, declaration, filing electronic tax invoices, insurance). In the first half of 2020, provided more than 3.5 million different types of e-services. PDF