Telecommunication development indicators in the Republic of Belarus of 2020

In the second half of 2020, the active development of the information and communication infrastructure of the Republic of Belarus continued.

As of January 1, 2021, telecommunication services are provided by 189 telecommunication operators.

As a result of the implementation of measures for the construction and modernization of telecommunication networks, the following results were achieved.

The number of subscribers of fixed broadband Internet access increased by more than 23 thousand and amounted to 3.256 million.

Representatives of the Communications Administration of Belarus took part in the 4th Annual CIS & CEE Spectrum Management Conference

On December 16-18, 2020, the 4th Annual CIS & CEE Spectrum Management Conference was held in a virtual format, which was organized by ForumGlobal and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

Within the framework of the Conference, presentations were made by leading experts in the field of telecommunications, discussions were organized on the topical issues: WRC-19, WRC-23, mmWave bands, the digital divide, key spectrum bands (in low, mid and high ranges), future connectivity networks, spectrum sharing, spectrum for verticals and much more.

The representatives of the Telecom Administration of the Republic of Belarus take part in the ITU Regional Development Forum for CIS Region

ITU Regional Development Forum for CIS Region, 14-15 December 2020

Regional Development Forum is a platform for regional dialogue between ITU and its Member States, Sector Members, Academia and other interested stakeholders aimed at strengthening cooperation and partnerships to promote the activities carried out at the regional level.

Measuring digital development: Facts and figures 2020

ITU’s Measuring digital development: Facts and figures 2020 offers a snapshot of the most important ICT indicators, including estimates for the current year. Latest figures show a wide urban-rural connectivity gap. Large swathes of the rural landscape are still not covered by a mobile broadband network, and fewer households in these areas have Internet access.

The data also reveal that mobile cellular subscriptions are declining for the first time in history and that global growth in mobile broadband subscriptions is levelling out.


The ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium (WTIS) is the main global forum for telecommunication and information society measurements. Since 1996, the WTIS convenes government ministers, business leaders, regulators, national statisticians, top academics, and ICT data producers and analysts, from all parts of the globe, to discuss issues related to information society trends and their measurement.

2020 ITU Global Innovation Forum

The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us how critical entrepreneurship-driven innovation is for economic growth and digital inclusion. The crisis has resulted in stress on value chains and countries’ readiness for a digital economy, significantly affecting social conditions worldwide. Communities worldwide can feel the impact of a growing digital innovation divide: rising digital inclusions issues, impact on jobs and loss of competitiveness in key sectors.

Issue of Stamp “75th Anniversary of the United Nations”

On October 23, 2020 the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus will issue the stamp «75th anniversary of the United Nations».

The project is assisted by the United Nations Postal Administration. The stamp and the First Day Cover contain the logo dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the UN. The postal product is designed by Yelena Medved.

The special cancellation of First Day Cover will take place at Minsk Main Post Office on the stamp issuing day.

ITU Virtual Digital World 2020

ITU Virtual Digital World 2020 will be a three-day online event co-organized by Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) of Viet Nam and International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations specialized agency for ICTs (information and communication technologies).

On the theme "Building the digital world. Together.", the event will be a dynamic virtual experience exploring the comprehensive digital transformation in the region and globally, focusing on key issues relating to the development of the digital economy, today and tomorrow.


The Integrated Index for Postal Development (2IPD) is assigned by the Universal Postal Union. It is an integrated index that provides a composite picture of postal development in all countries and regions based on four pillars: reliability, reach, relevance and resilience. All the data collected and processed accordingly determines the world ranking which is published every year. These four pillars provide a balanced view of postal development, without solely focusing on operational, strategic or societal matters.